Insurance & Compensation

Included Services

Bodily injury compensation

Unlimited per person (includes the JPY 30 million from the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance)

Property damage compensation

Unlimited per accident Deductible of up to JPY 100,000 in case of an accident

Vehicle insurance

Market rate per accident
Deductible of JPY 100,000 in case of an accident
*Towing fees during accidents apply
*Punctured or blown-out tires do not apply

Personal injury compensation

Up to JPY 30 million per person
Compensation will be paid when a passenger sustains an injury (including any complications) or die as a result of a traffic accident, regardless of the existence of negligence on the part of the driver. The compensation for damage or loss will be calculated based on the standards stipulated in the insurance contract.


Insurance and compensation policies will not apply in the following circumstances:

  • When the damage exceeds the compensation limits
  • When the accident was not reported to the police
  • When exclusions stipulated in the insurance policy apply
    (1) Cost of repairing punctured or blown-out tires; (2) Loss of hubcaps; (3) Deliberate accidents (Intentional Act), etc.
  • When it is clear that the driver was in violation of the wasabi campers Terms and Conditions
    (1) Driving under the influence of alcohol; (2) Reckless driving; (3) Driving under the influence of drugs; (4) Unauthorized extensions; (5) Leaving the scene of an accident; (6) Vehicle driven by a person not authorized by wasabi campers; (7) Renting the vehicle to someone else, etc.
  • When there is failure to exercise due diligence
    (1) Damage to the vehicle’s internal accessories; (2) Theft when the vehicle was left unlocked; (3) Leaving the scene of an accident in a no-parking area; (4) Other anti-social behavior; (5) Refueling the vehicle with the wrong type of fuel; (6) Loss of keys; (7) Smoking inside the vehicle (including e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn cigarettes), etc.